Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Psychic predictions 2011: Flood and Earthquake Forecasts

The forecast for the year of 2011 psychic prediction is shocking, with regard to floods and earthquakes are concerned. The new energy, the solar filter from the logo on the earth, and physical reactions of the radical change of our planet, Gaia House is an important role for humanity. These warnings have come from hard times then. The Apocalypse is more of a long transition period of progressive changes in the earth, the flood, famine, plague and earth changes, rather than part of a great nightResult of the incident, as told by the 2012 Galactic Mayan Calendar.

The year 2011 appears as an unstable weather all year round for information. So far, the rapid and surprising changes in strong winds, rising water levels and mysterious animals like birds will fall from the sky, no explanation is alarming to see, but a sign of the times. The symptoms are the indicators and reveal trends. In this case, the trend is alarming changes in the land, the impact on us all.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Here are theArt of clairvoyance, precognition provides warnings of imminent catastrophes future. It 'a tool of divination. The famous prophet Nostradamus uses divination, even able to use psychic prediction for hundreds of years into the future, and the art of the psychological aspect of the future back in action as the oracle of Delphi in ancient Greece.

For 2011, forecasts of floods and earthquakes are just a reading of energy on the planet. It 's time for humanity to treat the Earth like a breathand agencies. Much like we humans are alive and in a state that lives and breathes the awareness is there.

Not long ago, raging waters have been used in Brisbane, Australia, with catastrophic consequences. Up to 150 mm of rain fell in three hours. Brisbane River burst its banks and the State of Queensland experienced the largest flood since 1974. I felt sorry for the man so many thousands of homes were destroyed. People have lost their lives and this is the great tragedy of itall.

It is not necessary to understand his unique mind, we are all with some very strange and unpredictable climatic conditions around the world. The prognosis for the future are the more damage that occur on a large scale with more floods, earthquakes and even turbulence. Human and material suffering. The world will bring many changes both in individual and personal level.

If the high water faster than the spear is very dangerous. Not with a previous experience with such aDisaster, many innocent people were caught in the Brisbane floods. Some called the tsunami floods Brisbane inland as the water swept the suburb of Toowoomba, leaving nine people dead. This is the result of the disaster, which shows us the human tragedy of great and surprising changes in the earth. Now is the time to develop our intuition to stay safe in the coming months of 2011.

Natural disasters cause strain on friends and relatives. The prophets of our pastcollective history of mankind has had a great insight in the energy behind floods and earthquakes. It was part of their mental equipment.

Psychic predictions 2011: Flood and Earthquake Forecasts

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