Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Japan, Earthquake and Tsunami - you need our help

Awe struck the only words that describe how I felt when I saw the news pictures of the wall of water that hit the Japanese coast, has seen. Each of us has tried to imagine what these people are living and the truth is, we can not. We can only pray and send money. The prayer seems useless as your faith must be tested as a good and loving God could have happened then. Japan needs our help. That's how God works. From us. He does not cause these tragedies, but heis due to respond. Now is the time to unite the world and to help the Japanese people.

The Japanese Ambassador to Italy has informed us that it is very difficult for them to respond to offers of help. Not because they do not need or want, but that emergency aid be coordinated by local agencies and in many coastal areas there is no one to answer. He said that the world has never known. Canadians at home have commentedCourage and serenity of the Japanese people during this terrible disaster. I appeal to all those who donate can Red Cross is an organization of trust, who will receive your money to people on the ground in Japan. Every dollar counts, no matter what. These are people, families, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and grandchildren, as well as ours.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

As David Suzuki says that this is a planet, one people, and we all breathe the same air and are all connected. If everyone inNorth America has sent a dollar, which would be about $ 350 million dollars. Think about it. Leave a family of five would be $ 5.00. Yes, Dad would pay for the children or the mother, but that we would not break anything. Now is the time on this tractor that God is to experience what your heart to respond. We try to help everyone to buy Japan. I'm with a link to the Red Cross on the site. I think the minimum donation is $ 10, but the words of the Japanese are "All donations and support veryestimated by the Japanese. Japan needs our help. Time to step up to the plate.

Larry Matthews

Donate Here
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Japan, Earthquake and Tsunami - you need our help

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