Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

Saturday September 4th 2010 is a day that will go down in the memories of the 400, 000 residents of Christchurch New Zealand as the day the big earthquake hit them.

At as a matter of fact 4.35 am in the morning an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter scale struck with the epicentre just north of the city at Darfield where a weighty fault line opened up the road.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Miraculously for an earthquake of this magnitude there were no fatalities. Any way many residents suffered serious injuries and damage to property was extensive. Fire broke out in one city building but was speedily brought under control.

After shocks were still continuing days afterwards.

How did this great city cope with such a disaster? Well immediately although power and water supplies were cut and the mobile phone network went into overload, Civil Defence and Mayor Bob Parker swung into action. But most importantly the community supported each other, checking on neighbours and helping where needed.

The central city blocks were cordoned off, and teams of engineers set about assessing each building and rating the safety of each. Many needed immediate demolition which was quite heartbreaking for owners.

Power was restored to most by the end of the first day but restoring water took many days more as the earthquake had damaged water mains and the army were called in to help there. Constant reminders were broadcast to residents to boil their drinking water and for those without power to do that, they were advised to add 3 drops of household bleach to a litre of water.

Government agencies contacted by phone or in man every elderly man over 65 to check on their welfare while those families with condemned or destroyed homes were housed in centres set up in school halls. Schools were fulfilled, for days and there was no communal converyance for 3 days also.

There were many tales of near misses and good fortune to emerge and also significant lessons for hereafter earthquakes. Photos of the Christchurch earthquake narrative imaginable damage but also the community spirit that emerged.

Many people keep civil crisis kits in their homes but how many of you do not keep a torch by your bed? Many Christchurch earthquake affected residents regretted this omission that morning!

Christchurch Earthquake

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