Saturday, April 30, 2011

Answering the Call

Answering the Call Tube. Duration : 6.88 Mins.

Japan's Self Defense Force responds in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

Keywords: JSDF, Japan Self Defense Force, Operation Tomodachi

Floating houses tsunami-Japan 12-03-2011 ( Pływające domy Japonia )

Floating houses tsunami-Japan 12-03-2011 ( Pływające domy Japonia ) Tube. Duration : 3.08 Mins.

Keywords: japan, tsunami japan, tsunami 2011, explosion, necluar, quake, tokyo, news, sendai, iwaworld, Floating houses

Friday, April 29, 2011

Sou foda - Avassaladores (acústico)

Sou foda - Avassaladores (acústico) Tube. Duration : 1.90 Mins.

Sou foda - Avassaladores (acústico)

Tags: Sou, foda, Avassaladores, (acústico), acoustic, RT, Japan, earthquake, tsunami, caught, on, tape, video, quake, oil, refinery, 8.9, australia, today, 2011, 11, march, Tokyo, west, coast, warning, Hawaii

Tips for holding Safe during an Earthquake

If you live in an earthquake-prone area, you probably already know it. Those living on the West Coast of the U.S. Are aware that an earthquake might attack at any time, and many residents of those areas have lived straight through a few. If you do live in an earthquake prone area, there are many things that you can do to get ready yourself for the possible shaking.

Prepare - Like any possible emergency, those who get ready beforehand fare a great deal great than those who don't prepare. Originate an urgency plan that includes where to rendezvous with family members and how you will get in touch with each other in the event that there is no cell phone reception. Keep food, water and extra clothing on hand in a safe place, along with an urgency kit consisting of principal supplies. Make sure everybody in your household knows how and where to shut off water and gas lines.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

With kids - In earthquake-prone regions, most schools show the way urgency convention drills for what to do during an earthquake. You may wish to convention these drills with your children at home, so that they know what to do in the event that an earthquake strikes while they are in the house. It's also a good idea to convention general urgency plans and leave routes, in case of an earthquake, fire or other emergency.

During An Earthquake - during an earthquake your adrenaline will swiftly spike and your mind and heart will be racing, making it difficult to remember what it is that you're supposed to be doing. In this situation, it's foremost to focus on your physical safety. Stay away from anything that may fall, drop or shatter. Ceiling fixtures, windows, bookcases, lamps and cabinets will shift and fall. The best places to stand during the shaking tend to be under a piece of sturdy furniture (such as a desk), in a door frame (as long as there isn't a door that could swing concluded on you), or on an interior wall. Wherever you are positioned, make sure that your head and neck are protected.

If you are indoors, stay there until the shaking stops. If you are driving, continue until it's safe to stop. Do not stop under a bridge, underpass, power lines, or trees. Remain in your car. If you are caught outdoors, move away from trees, buildings, and power lines. The lowest line is that shaking means falling, so stay away from anything that could fall on you.

Aftermath - Once the shaking stops, check yourself and anything with you for injury. Fire alarms, sprinklers and car alarms will probably be triggered by the shaking. Move to a safe location that is away from falling debris. Ensure that power, gas and water are shut off at the source in order to preclude additional damage from ruptured gas or water lines or power surges. If you have an earthquake plan with your family, move to your rendezvous point. Be aware that aftershocks (smaller earthquakes) are likely to occur in the advent hours and days.

Tips for holding Safe during an Earthquake

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How to cut the time to come Aftereffects of a Deadly Earthquake

The last two years has seen an growth in more deadly earthquakes, which have struck Chile, China, Haiti, Indonesia, and Pakistan, often with deadly effects. Living in a new era of deadlier quakes, and increased seismic activity, how can we sacrifice the deadlier aftereffects of an Earthquake?

Some Countries are in the quake zone, notably Chile, Haiti and Indonesia. A Zone which lays far under our oceans and land masses, which spread over all our continents. In Indonesia, quakes are a quarterly occurrence, often on a daily basis, whilst in other regions rarer.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Recent Earthquakes in Chile and Haiti, have created some startling but very real consulation on how we can sacrifice the deadlier aftereffects of a quake. As the death toll, and damage in both countries are remarkably different. Haiti, has a history of Earthquakes, and the modern quake which devastated Port au Prince, the nations capital, created huge damage, and death tolls. This to many experts was a natural disaster, which turned into a man-made disaster.

There is a link between poverty, lack of urban planning, and the extent the disaster can hurt a country. In Japan, a nation known for Earthquakes and Tsunamis, damage and deaths from a quake, are minimal zed by planning around the possibility of a future earthquake.

The disaster in Haiti, was caused by the fact the country was too poor, to implement the same planning as Japan. Neither could lives be saved, because local crisis services were overwhelmed by the extent of the earthquake. It turned into a man-made disaster.

Chile has coped better, because of epicenter of the quake was away from the center of a city, and the country had a much more developed infrastructure, with more contemporary crisis services. The quake was more spread out, but the death toll less. Nations which are part of the quake zone, any way poor or wealthy, need to accept that one day a quake will occur. This is natural, and part of the way our planet has evolved.

One way we could help these nations which live in the reality that there is all the time a opening a deadly quake could strike, is to aid in helping these nations create a system, which minimizes the man-made effects after an earthquake has struck.

Buildings could be either strengthened or relocated in areas where a risk of an earthquake is lessened- in poorer countries, cheaper, but sufficient construction designs could be created, which could at least withstand the worse effects of an earthquake.

We do have the technology, and the expertise to create more effective, and low cost solutions to protecting areas, which are susceptible to earthquakes. But this takes cooperation, and a sharing of ideas, rather then sending short-term aid and assistance.

Through International cooperation, nations in the deadly quake zone, could build a basic crisis course network. Which today, has helped to create the Tsunami warning system, after the deadly 2004 Tsunami in Asia, and trained local response teams to deal with the after effects of a tsunami.

Chile, China, Indonesia, and Japan could spearhead this International cooperation, as they themselves are countries which have recently experienced earthquakes. Using the technology, and localized feel of dealing with the human cost of a quake, may create groundbreaking solutions to reducing the disastrous after effects of any future quake.

One part is we have to live with nature, and nature includes the real possibility of deadly earthquakes, and tsunamis. By accepting this is a natural part of life in the quake zone, maybe we can move ahead from just helping the victims of a quake, to honestly protecting them from the effects of a future earthquake.

How to cut the time to come Aftereffects of a Deadly Earthquake

Experiencing An Earthquake

"Hold on! It's an Earthquake!" were the words I heard from my husband as we were violently shaken awake that fateful morning, a morning that will be etched in my memory for a long time to come.

Have you ever been in or experienced an Earthquake? I've felt a few minor quakes over the years, the ones where you say to whoever's near you, "oh did you feel that?" or the ones where you happen to observation the light bulb that hangs from the ceiling is swaying. Then you listen with a slight interest to the news of the day to find out where the quake was centred and what it measured on the Richter scale.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Well a few short weeks ago, on September 4th 2010 to be exact, my caress of earthquakes suddenly changed forever. On that deftly still, coal-black, moonless morning at 4.35am, in the middle of other commonplace night's sleep, the most dreadful event of my life began to unfold as the 7.1 magnitude quake began its unearthly assent to the face of our city.

My husband's instincts were to throw his arm over me to hold and protect me as the violent shaking & pitching tossed us & our bed in every manner of direction. The house conducted a cacophony of deafening noises as nails and joists departed company, each creek manufacture it all the more frightening, dreadful would be more strict actually.

Our ears were assaulted by an unbelievably thunderous train like roar as huge fissures opened up allowing gasses from deep in the earth to escape and the ground spewed up its contents, a porridge of wet silty grey sand which I now know is called liquefaction. The noise prolonged and changed into shattering, breaking and crashing as doors slid violently back and forth on their runners, as house timbers twisted and bricks fell, as concrete & road seal began cracking & distorting, as windows creaked & cracked threatening to smash into thousands of fragments. I am sure the whole earth prolonged to rattle and shake for what seemed an eternity, for what in reality was other 45 seconds or so, yet in that small time frame, the earth changed the scenery in a way thousands of men working together could not perform and the look and feel of our city changed forever.

Then, just as suddenly and every bit as frighteningly, the noises stopped and the whole world was still, eerily still. One could not wait for the noise to stop, yet the after-quietness was every bit as terrifying, like that occasion in a bad dream movie, just before, well, you know. My husband held me in his strong arms and we just sat there waiting, wondering, what next?

Since this caress there has been much intuit as to the acceptable policy of immediate activity to take for self-preservation in the arrival of earthquakes. We have always been advised to get under something solid such as a door frame or table, to protect our heads from falling objects. I have spoken to some friends who managed to stumble to a door frame but said that with the greatest violent lurching of their houses the doors were a hazard in themselves as they swung wildly, threatening to crush fingers and bruise body parts.

Tables give overhead security from small falling objects but depending on the building of the building you happen to be in a table can well be crushed flat, with you under it, as the weight of heavy concrete walls or ceilings crash down on them. If however you opt for the area called the 'Triangle of Life' you have a best opening of survival. The Triangle of Life is the area created if you were to lie down Beside something solid for example your bed, and that if a large object were to fall over you a triangular space is always created between the edge of the bed, or a solid object, and the floor thus retention you safe from being crushed.

I have made a point of looking for areas in my home that would create a Triangle of Life should our house want such at any time. I hope the need never arises but given our up-to-date earthquake encounter it doesn't hurt to be aware because one just never knows what's around the corner.

Experiencing An Earthquake

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Redevelopment of the disclosure of Chile Chile Investment, "asked," Infrastructure

record Source:

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Redevelopment of the disclosure of Chile Chile Investment, "asked," Infrastructure

Japan, earthquake, tsunami and Nuclear Fallout

My heart goes to the people of Japan. In 1970 I was part of a troupe of hula and played on Narugo Hotel in Nagoya for three months. After landing in Tokyo, our troops on board the "bullet train" in Sendai (the capital of northern Japan). Then we took the car for a few hours until we reached our hotel. The people at the hotel and the chairman of the structure, welcomed the president and his wife Mama San Kumagai us with wide, inviting smile. He bent and bowed deeply to usin return. We were taken to a hotel room where we were made with a special dinner, sukiyaki, and served authentically Japanese. We were at each step of the way on how to proceed with the addition of each ingredient in the bowl of hot soup. What impressed me most was how friendly, polite and respectful when people treat us. I felt so much aloha in Japan. I loved the people and never forgot their hospitality. When it was time to go home, although IHomesick, I was sad to leave the country.

The earthquake and tsunami hit in Japan, I was back to the days when I was there many years ago. My memories of northern Japan (Sendai, Narita and Nagoya), came back to me crystal clear. It was as if I was there alone. I remembered the beauty of the landscape with its deep green color. The number of vessels and their fishing nets dotted with sea ports. The humility of the people was incredible. They did not speak in a low voiceattention. At one point during my experience in Japan, I considered staying there. I was nailed on television, although others could fill their reports. I had experienced a disaster, Hurricane Inika island of Kauai, the September 11, 1992 made. This was a level 4 hurricane that leveled the entire island to the land. I lost my house. For five days I was in shock. I thought I would die along with many other people. I will never forgetThat Sinking Feeling and helplessness. This is another reason why my heart is for the people of Japan. If you have experienced a disaster you have to bear a deep sense of compassion for others in need. We pray for the Japanese people and their country. Whatever happened, it could easily happen elsewhere. Have compassion, integrity and love. View swept the country with positive energy and white light. You can also see the different colors of lightlike purple for protection (the light of forgiveness), green for healing, for peace and the blue rose for love. We are all together in this life. What happened in Japan could be done just as well with us.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Redcross text to 90999 or go online to donate $ 10 or more for Japan. God bless you all!

Japan, earthquake, tsunami and Nuclear Fallout

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Earthquake Retrofitting and What You Should Know About It

Earthquake retrofitting is a term used in building engineering which means to make a standing buildings resistant to earthquake and other seismic activities. Earthquake retrofitting, also known as seismic retrofitting, is the process in which an existing buildings is modified and adapted to brace against earthquake tremors, ground vibrations, request for retrial of the earth and soil shifting in the event of an earthquake. Previously, before modern seismic codes were introduced in 1960s, buildings were constructed without much attention given to details like security against earthquake damage. Recently, with industrialized studies of seismic action and the toll it takes on buildings, the need for earthquake retrofitting has been well recognized.

It should be understood that there is no such thing as a faultless earthquake proof structure. However, with earthquake retrofitting changes can be made within the buildings to make it more resilient to ground action and less prone to damage during a seismic activity. While new buildings these days are constructed with detailed plans and illustrate techniques of earthquake retrofitting, many of the older buildings lack such plans and need to be reinforced to avoid damage to people as well as the building. According to experts, most of the damage caused to buildings during seismic activities is because of side-to-side shaking of the foundation. This can cause the building to slide off its foundation if it is not secured. Or it can even cause the foundation to crack and the building to collapse. In both ways, serious damage would be caused to human life as well as the building, rendering it uninhabitable.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Earthquake retrofitting is done for four basic objectives. The most basic of all objectives is security of the public. It ensures that the buildings will not collapse while it can be safely exited by the residents or the people inside. However, in case of a severe seismic action the buildings might have to be wholly replaced. The next objective called buildings survivability is to ensure that the buildings will experience the earthquake; however, it may want comprehensive repairs before it can be used again. The next objective, structural functionality, is a high level of earthquake retrofit and commonly only requires minor repairs like crack repairs etc. Lastly, buildings unaffected is the top level of earthquake retrofit which is applied to buildings of great historic, political, cultural or economic value. However, as already mentioned above, no buildings can be entirely guaranteed to be damage free.

Earthquake retrofitting is carried out to make sure that buildings can stand the stress and strain of a seismic activity. The continuous, and sometimes violent shaking of ground from side to side can take a great deal of toll on buildings. One of the most common techniques of retrofitting is to bolt a building to its foundation. Many a times, the connections in the middle of the bottom of a building to that with foundation is inadequate and needs to be reinforced. In this manner, the shaking of the foundation will not cause the building to slide off or collapse. Someone else common recipe is strengthening the pony walls or cripple walls. Other techniques include external post-tensioning of the structure, dampers, slosh tanks, active operate ideas and many more.

Earthquake retrofitting is solely the firm of a building engineer. It is performed by a building expert and anything who wants to have their house or commercial buildings retrofitted should look into the perceive and expert escort of a proper building firm before hiring them. To read more on the subject see

Earthquake Retrofitting and What You Should Know About It

Prosvjed - Veleposlanstvo Japana 12.3.2011. (Protesters light candles at Japan embassy in Zagreb)

Prosvjed - Veleposlanstvo Japana 12.3.2011. (Protesters light candles at Japan embassy in Zagreb) Tube. Duration : 3.85 Mins.

Croatian antigovernment protesters stopped by Japan embassy in Zagreb and lit candles for people that died in last earthquake and tsunami. It was a touching moment! Another video:

Keywords: Hrvatska, Croatia, Zagreb, Protests, prosvjed, prosvjednici, protesters, Veleposlanstvo, Japana, Japan, tišina, svijeće, street, police, policija, jadranka, kosor, jaca, šeks, hebrang, EU, HDZ, SDP, antigovernment, izbori, rising, protuvladini, prosvjedi, 12.3., ožujak, 12.3.2011., quiet, honor, for, dead, people, in, earthquake, tsunami, tokyo

►Tsunami Japão, Japan tsunami,日本津波, Japón tsunami,Giappone Tsunami 11/03/11

►Tsunami Japão, Japan tsunami,日本津波, Japón tsunami,Giappone Tsunami 11/03/11 Video Clips. Duration : 3.65 Mins.

Japan Tsunami, Tsunami Japan, 日本津波, tsunami Japón, Giappone Tsunami, Tsunami au Japon, Япония цунами, 日本海啸اليابان تسونام, tragedy in asia tsunami earthquake japan asia japan japan Japanese community tragedy latest news tragedia japao terremoto japoneses

Tags: M88 quake, tsunamis hit Japan

Monday, April 25, 2011

Earthquake Shakes Tourism commerce

The 8-magnitude earthquake that devastated Sichuan province on May 12 would seriously hamper tourism in affected regions in the short term.

Sichuan-bound excursions are among the most popular of the firm's travel packages, generating about 10 percent of its total domestic travel revenue.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

When the quake struck on May 12, 298 tourists were on Shanghai Spring International trips in the province, along with 281 visitors from Shanghai and 17 from Shanxi province. They had all been safely returned home by May 21.

Many customers bound for other regions in China cancelled their trips with the enterprise after the quake. Zhang said part of the reckon was that the natural disaster cast a "psychological shadow" over the entire nation.

The quake is the second disaster to negatively impact the country's tourism industry this year, after the worst blizzards to hit China in half a century wreaked havoc on the southern part of the country in February.

Prolonged cold weather put the chill on travelers' enthusiasm while Spring Festival. The country's tourism industry earned 39 billion Yuan while the Golden Week this year, 6.2 percent less than in 2007, Cnta figures show. Many popular traveler sites reported fewer visitors while the period, as weather and traffic concerns led many people to cancel travel plans.

China previously had three Golden Weeks a year - one while Lunar New Year, one starting from Labor Day on May 1 and one starting from National Day on October 1 - and these were the country's peak travel times. However, the government shaved several days off the Labor Day Golden Week starting from 2008, substituting it with three new communal holidays on the dates of primary festivals.

Analysts said Sichuan's local tourism industry's agents would suffer greater losses than national tourism companies, such as Shanghai Spring International.

Tourism plays a basic role in the province's economic development, accounting for more than 8 percent of its gross domestic product.

Popular destinations included Jiuzhaigou Valley, giant panda sanctuaries and Emeishan Mountain.

But despite the up-to-date setbacks, analysts and industry insiders remain obvious in the Chinese travel industry's long-term prospects.

The negative impact of natural disasters is temporary. Over the long term, China's travel industry would still experience fast growth driven by rising incomes. We would not convert our long-term ratings of the industry.

Earthquake Shakes Tourism commerce


大津波にのみ込まれる瞬間の気仙沼市街 Video Clips. Duration : 1.92 Mins.

宮城県気仙沼市で11日、東日本巨大地震に伴い押し寄せた津波の様子を撮影した。気仙沼中央公民館周辺からも、津波のすさまじい破壊力が伝わってきた=東北総局 中根圭一撮影 2011年3月14日公開 営利目的での使用を禁止します。私的使用のみにして下さい。 Customers outside of Japan needing to license our video should contact AP Archive, tel: +44-20-7482-7482(London) or +81-3-6215-8090(Japan)

Keywords: yomiuri, shimbun, news, japan, 読売, 新聞, 動画, 宮城県, 気仙沼市, 東日本巨大地震, 津波, 気仙沼中央公民館

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Japan warns of 'partial nuclear meltdown'

Japan warns of 'partial nuclear meltdown' Tube. Duration : 2.05 Mins.

Japan is in the grip of a nuclear emergency as it struggles to come to terms with the recent devastating earthquake and tsunami. Cooling systems at three reactors have been damaged by the quake. Sea water is being frantically pumped into the plant to cool the reactors, but the government is warning of a partial meltdown. Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett reports from Motomiya in Fukushima prefecture, the same region as the nuclear plant.

Keywords: asia-pacificnews, japan, earthquake, tsunami, nuclear, meltdown, harry, fawcett, aljazeera

Nuclear Reactors in Japan - Periodic Table of Videos

Nuclear Reactors in Japan - Periodic Table of Videos Video Clips. Duration : 8.80 Mins.

Following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we discuss what is causing problems at the nuclear reactors in Fukushima. More chemistry videos and news at

Keywords: nuclear, reactors, fukushima, earthquake, tsunami, japan

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Scary footage: Tsunami waves raging, buildings burn after 8.9 Japan earthquake

Scary footage: Tsunami waves raging, buildings burn after 8.9 Japan earthquake Tube. Duration : 4.93 Mins.

Follow latest updates at and The government has confirmed 25 deaths, with the number expected to rise. It follows the 8.9-magnitude earthquake which sent a 4-metre wall of water inland across the Miyagi prefecture . There's considerable destruction - 200 people have been washed away. Buildings, cars and ships were also swept by the raging waters. Several are missing on Japan's Sendai island. The first wave has also reached Russia's Kuril islands to the north, reportedly around a metre high. There are several fires along Japan's eastern coastline, and 4 million homes are without power. The Prime Minister's ordered an emergency response team to tackle the disaster - with aircraft scrambled to the worst-affected area. Communication is crippled and Tokyo's Norita International Airport has been closed. The entire Pacific region is on tsunami alert - with Hawaii braced to be hit within the next few hours.

Tags: Japan earthquake, Japan tsunami, earthquake caught on tape, video, Japan video, Japan quake, RT, oil refinery Japan, 8.9 earthquake, australia tsunami, earthquake today, japan earthquake 2011, japan 11 march 2011, Tokyo earthquake, japan earthquake today, west coast tsunami warning, tokyo earthquake today

Tsunami hits Japan: Business goes down

Tsunami hits Japan: Business goes down Video Clips. Duration : 1.43 Mins.

As tsunami hits japan, Govt starts damage control , Nuclear Plants are closed, Airports are closed and market goes down.

Tags: World, newsx, Earthquake, Japan, Tsunami, Tsunami hits Japan, Japan Tsunami, tsunami warning, 8.8 magnitude earthquake

Friday, April 22, 2011

Big Island Hawaii Tsunami 2011

Big Island Hawaii Tsunami 2011 Tube. Duration : 2.97 Mins.

Estimated 12 FT Swell creates major damage in Keauhou Bay on the Big Island of Hawaii.

Tags: 2011, japan, tsunami, earthquake, hawaii, big, island, keauhou, bay, kkyc, yacht, club, fairwinds, ocean, safari, proshow

Aftermath of the earthquake of flexible copper

The switch to natural disaster fueled fears that Algeria would stall the rest of the world economy, after traders to cut their exposure to risky assets as well. 1000000000000 nearly $ value of the shares have been abandoned as a merchant with high-risk activities, such as raw materials sold and re-allocate their funds in "safer" investments such as bonds. Copper for three months delivery on the London Metal Exchange fell as much as 1.6 percent to $ 9,039 a metric ton. Copper for June delivery on theShanghai Futures Exchange was down 1.2 percent to 68,600 yuan

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Aftermath of the earthquake of flexible copper

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Army water-bombs overheating Fukushima nuke plant to avert meltdown

Army water-bombs overheating Fukushima nuke plant to avert meltdown Video Clips. Duration : 4.23 Mins.

Follow latest updates at and Japan is struggling to regain control over the overheated reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant, after a series of blasts and fires. The government's most-senior spokesman said cooling reactor number 3 is now the top priority because it's posing the biggest danger. Military helicopters are currently dropping seawater onto the stricken reactors in the latest bid to avert nuclear meltdown... While other aircraft are monitoring the amount of radiation. If levels get too high for the air crews, trucks with water cannons will be deployed to try and get the temperature of troubled reactors to drop.

Tags: helicopters Fukushima, choppers, nuclear reactor, fukushima meltdown, fukushima reactor, nuclear crisis, fukushima blast, fukushima explosion, reactor radiation, radiation sickness, nuclear energy, RT Japan earthquake, Japan earthquake, Japan tsunami, earthquake caught on tape, video, Japan video, Japan quake, RT, 8.9 earthquake, japan tsunami 2011, japan 11 march 2011, japan tokyo earthquake, fukushima nuclear plant, chernobyl, radiation exposure, radioactivity, IAEA

Crescent City Tsunami, 2011

Crescent City Tsunami, 2011 Video Clips. Duration : 4.50 Mins.

From March 11, 2011: Japan earthquake, Crescent City, California. Filmed from Pebble Beach cliff top out of the evacuation zone. Pacific Ocean gets sucked out and then surges back in within minutes. This happened many times over the course of the day.

Tags: Tsunami, Crescent, City, CA, Japan, earthquake, 3-11-2011, West, Coast, California, Del, Norte, County, Pebble, Beach, Tidal, Wave, Cliff, top, ocean, surf, waves

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake

Saturday September 4th 2010 is a day that will go down in the memories of the 400, 000 residents of Christchurch New Zealand as the day the big earthquake hit them.

At as a matter of fact 4.35 am in the morning an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter scale struck with the epicentre just north of the city at Darfield where a weighty fault line opened up the road.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Miraculously for an earthquake of this magnitude there were no fatalities. Any way many residents suffered serious injuries and damage to property was extensive. Fire broke out in one city building but was speedily brought under control.

After shocks were still continuing days afterwards.

How did this great city cope with such a disaster? Well immediately although power and water supplies were cut and the mobile phone network went into overload, Civil Defence and Mayor Bob Parker swung into action. But most importantly the community supported each other, checking on neighbours and helping where needed.

The central city blocks were cordoned off, and teams of engineers set about assessing each building and rating the safety of each. Many needed immediate demolition which was quite heartbreaking for owners.

Power was restored to most by the end of the first day but restoring water took many days more as the earthquake had damaged water mains and the army were called in to help there. Constant reminders were broadcast to residents to boil their drinking water and for those without power to do that, they were advised to add 3 drops of household bleach to a litre of water.

Government agencies contacted by phone or in man every elderly man over 65 to check on their welfare while those families with condemned or destroyed homes were housed in centres set up in school halls. Schools were fulfilled, for days and there was no communal converyance for 3 days also.

There were many tales of near misses and good fortune to emerge and also significant lessons for hereafter earthquakes. Photos of the Christchurch earthquake narrative imaginable damage but also the community spirit that emerged.

Many people keep civil crisis kits in their homes but how many of you do not keep a torch by your bed? Many Christchurch earthquake affected residents regretted this omission that morning!

Christchurch Earthquake

The first 24 hours after an earthquake or natural disaster

When a disaster like an earthquake or other natural disaster strikes first in your neighborhood or community, is a change in the total game. All services and the need for both electricity, hot water running for the sources of communication for drinking and washing granted - are all at risk can now ... Prepared by adding to it have been better emergency preparedness kits and some basic disaster preparedness can make a huge difference.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

The first 24 hours after an earthquake or natural disaster

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Preparation of a volcanic eruption of emergency

Volcanoes are truly fascinating features of nature. Very often I am honored by the beauty and wonder, like the perfectly structured cone of the Mayon volcano in the Philippines and the monstrosity of the mountain. Fiji in Japan.
Volcanoes are almost like beautiful mountains unless they are catastrophic. Volcanoes are mountains, but they are different in the sense that the geothermal activity within them are active and are sometimes subject to destructive processes.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

There are two typesvolcanoes. A dormant and inactive. These volcanoes are like normal mountain and do not break. The other type id the destructive of the volcanoes that erupt from time to time. Most of the volcanoes around the world in special areas, strategically located around the Pacific Ocean. Thus, the fields across the Pacific are known collectively as the Pacific Ring of Fire. The most destructive volcanoes are located in countries around the Pacific, including Japan, Indonesia,the Philippines and New Zealand. Hawaii and other islands around the Pacific are also rich in volcanic supply. Volcanic eruptions Over the years, people have seen the destructive potential of volcanoes. Many people have lost property and loved ones to generate anger and lava that volcanoes. Often volcanic eruptions also accompany great and destructive earthquakes, so that the disaster more disastrous. debris flows may occur even when the rain over the crater ofwhich is located near a volcano eruption. Preparing for volcanic eruptions Fortunately, volcanic eruptions have not done abruptly. This is because it would take some time before a volcano is to accumulate enough lava that could trigger an eruption that would have done. Often, there are indicators that are monitored before an eruption of a volcano. Locals and people from surrounding areas could also say that if an outbreak is excellent. Thus, volcanologists and seismologists I advise you to be able to man-daysor even months before the eruption of a volcano. The Council should serve as a warning. If an alarm is issued for an area, people expect to take the necessary precautions so that their lives could be saved from impending disaster. Here are some emergency safety guidelines to help you are able to prepare for a volcanic eruption. • If your home a few miles from the volcano to admit at once. You can choose to take your things and leave onlythem. Earthquakes · are normal events when an active volcano erupt like this is do not panic. Instead, you go for preventive measures. · Sudden rain above the crater of the volcano would lead to an abrupt mudflow. The mud is not ordinary mud. You can first of debris and volcanic eruption may be too hot, which is enough to boil an egg hard. Be careful, or you can suffer burns from debris flows. • If the volcano erupts, finally,it may emit volcanic debris into the air. Be prepared to see, stones and rocks from the crater. Take for example a safe haven before the eruption. Prepare ° male gas because the volcanic eruption may be accompanied by the release of sulfur odor. You can choke or who can not return to normal breathing during a volcanic eruption site. · Lava is the centerpiece of the eruption. E 'is also destructive of the volcanoproduce during an eruption. It is very hot mud, which now can burn all the material. The contact with the lava. • After the eruption of the Board volcanologists' waiting when you return safely home. Volcanoes are truly one of the most destructive forces of nature. Be prepared to live volcanoes, if you're near an active volcano. You must not change. All you need is to take precautionary measures when the volcano produces signs ofsignificant step forward. Preparation of a volcanic eruption of emergency

Earthquake safety Training Videos

Natural calamities are a huge source of destruction and loss to our lives. We are helpless in front of nature`s weighty force, yet we have tried to procure and rebuild our lives in the face of the fiercest adversities. The best example is inhabitance of places that are prone to natural occurrences like volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods and any others.

If your workplace is also in one of the earthquake prone belts then you need not be reminded of that extra care that you must take to ensure minimal loss. It could also be that you have not spared any measure to ensure the safekeeping of your organization. Have you taken equal measures for your worker`s security as well? The first thing that strikes us while these unnatural conditions is to rescue our belongings and materials and human lives take a backseat.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Nowadays you can find latest videos which contribute training agenda that is meant for employees to take control of situations while earthquakes. This training agenda will help your workers be prepared in develop to tackle any kind of situation brought about by the earthquakes. They explain how to cope better with the havoc wreaked by earthquakes while at work.

You may be among the lucky few who have got this opportunity to educate your workers with regard to the assorted earthquake situations and measures to cope them. Don`t keep this matter pending for other time which may never come. You may suffer huge damages by not taking the right performance at the right time. Probably the next time when an earthquake hits you, you would be thanking your employees for using the tips provided by this security training program.

Earthquake safety Training Videos

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tribute to Japan

Tribute to Japan Tube. Duration : 4.55 Mins.

Our prayers go out to all those who are suffering due to the earthquake and the tsunami. Share this with the world.

Tags: music, wu tang, gab gotcha, rza, earthquake, tsunami, japan, africa, tokyo, mobile, clan, bodyslam, lady, gaga

Earthquake in Chile, 2012 is Closer Than You Know

The Earthquake in Chile is a terrible disaster, but it's not the only one. It seems that these natural catastrophes are arrival with less time in between and that's the assuredly terrible thing, I think.

So, what am i talking about? It's easy to forget the things that happened earlier so lets take a recap and see what else has happened in not so distant past.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

1.The Tsunami in Asia 2004 (225,000-300,000 people died)

2.Haiti Earthquake 2010 (220,000 - 250,000 people died)

3.Earthquake in Chile 2010 (10,000 -???? people died)

Those are some terrible numbers, but the truth is that the list could be much longer. Those are the 3 disasters that we know well, and that have been well covered in media. But that's not all of them, and assuredly not the biggest ones.

Did you hear that the Earthquake in Chile assuredly moved the Earth? Yes, that's true. The Earth tilted off its axis a bit, and that results in shorter days. Well, it's so dinky that we cant feel it, but it's still true. So are we safe? If one Earthquake can move the whole earth, are we assuredly safe? What happens if it's a dinky bit bigger next time, can the Earth loose its balance? Can we start spinning out in space. I don't know, but it would be great i man how do know could tell us.

2012 isn't that far away now, is it?

It's been much talk about that 2012 is the year it all ends. Well, that doesn't fell to far fetched anymore. Sure, i don't think the Earth will end 2012, but with all the things happening nearby us now, and all the things that have happen while the last 100 years, one thing that i am sure about is. You don't know what will happen tomorrow. So don't hold of on the things you like, and the things that makes you happy, because you don't know when it might be to late to do them.

Earthquake in Chile, 2012 is Closer Than You Know

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Eat Weight Off Reviews

Currently, private, permanent, 99 percent, 300 percent correct and efficient as quickly as possible, the weight loss and weight gain meal solutions too, there was an earthquake, are to judge the weight of the product wave of selling. % 100% safe, fat loss and weight loss drugs cheaper than at the center 500 --- you love to cook, enjoy and

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Eat Weight Off Reviews

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Video amatoriali del terremoto Giappone

Video amatoriali del terremoto Giappone Tube. Duration : 1.90 Mins. segui la diretta Video amatoriali del terremoto che ha sconvolto il Giappone.

Tags: tsunami, giappone, japan, video, onda, terremoto, Earthquake, tzunami, scossa, sisma, immagine, feriti, disastro, nucleare, centrale, tokyo, sendai, amatoriali, amatoriale

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Thank you for taking the time to read our tips for survival and the search for new products approved each month our U.S. Coast Guard Survival Food and U.S. Coast Guard approved First Aid Kit Visit the USGS for earthquake information and about volcanoes, volcanic risk is the likelihood that a hazard in the United States today as a war, think of the basic necessities like water in a barrel of water sealed, plastic portable waterContainers, water rescue or water purifier, waterproof containers for clothing and shelter concepts, and other common, but hard to find wilderness survival, winter storm, flash flood safety kits, products and supplies - we will be here when you are ready to prepare! Many of our products are better than the wholesale price, the public with a wide range of producers in direct sales selling security products since 1994. Our network of online companies have more buying power and can passThe savings for customers.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

We help you and your family are preparing to survive!

Friday, April 15, 2011

claims adjuster can cause loss of Christchurch Aid Earthquake Recovery

At a time when the Cricket World Cup all the fun and support of their nation, but New Zealand is the evil result of the recent earthquake. New Zealand cricketers against the other face of this shocking news of the World Cup at home in an earthquake and he reacted with horror to the death of 65 people in the tragedy in Christchurch. Recently a team of New Zealand cricket player Martin Guptill should go a tweet on Twitter "thought for the people of today CHCH. TerribleWhat will happen again "
New Zealand in the Pacific and Indo-Australian tectonic plates, is because of this, records an average of more than 14,000 earthquakes a year Faces from New Zealand, 5.0 of which about 20 usually above the power. Last September, New Zealand was a strong 7.1 earthquake widespread heavy damage, but only minor damage, but this time New Zealand Bears defeated lives and caused a monetary loss.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Authorities put the city of Christchurch with aThe population of 348 000 in a state of emergency after the earthquake on Tuesday. cutting force, damage to roads, sewer and water lines rupture and tear the facades of buildings with serious problems, Christchurch City in the fight. According to reports, the New Zealand government has announced monetary assistance in the minister of economic development. international aid workers stepped up their search for survivors of the earthquake in New Zealand on Thursday, despite hopes fadinglooking for more people in life and fears the collapse of a 26-storey hotel tower damaged and could trigger another disaster. A Christchurch City lowered the earthquake-stricken countries such as Japan and the United States sending teams, sniffer dogs and microphones in ruins for signs of life. The Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key said the death toll had now risen to 92 and suggested the number could increase significantly. There have been serious concerns about him more than 200 peopleare still missing. An earthquake measuring 6.3 on the local scientists with a focal length of 5 km, 10 km south-west of the country's second largest city, was measured. The quake lead New Zealand NZ $ 2000000000, 1400000000 break the $ account and is a huge clean-up in Christchurch, the second largest city, an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 that struck the central business district was closed. Are you also help against this kind of problems and find, to acquire the rightThe reimbursement for the loss. In this situation, an arbitrator can make your shoulder problems diluted. An expert will give you all the services that you can take maximum amortization period of your insurance company. claims adjuster can cause loss of Christchurch Aid Earthquake Recovery

IPad iPad iPad includes the development of applications for the Weather application

Apps iPad development time has a fundamental role in the development of all cultures. It has a great effect on the human anatomy. Due to differences in weather and climate, we have the races and languages. weather has played a major role in creating the mythology and religions in advance. We can prepare in advance if we have the knowledge ahead of time. In due course, applications for developers IPAD time develops. Some of them are as follows:

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

IPad iPad iPad includes the development of applications for the Weather application

Japan quake damage up-close

Japan quake damage up-close Tube. Duration : 2.45 Mins.

With more cameras on the ground, the world is getting a closer look at the extent of the damage from the earthquake that hit Japan. Ben Tracy reports on the devastation less than 48 hours since the disaster struck.

Tags: cbsepisode, cbsjapan, destruction, damage, extent, power, outage, update, latest, earthquake, tsunami, japan, nuclear, plant, US, aid, electricity, missing

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Japan bids to save power after tsunami

Japan bids to save power after tsunami Video Clips. Duration : 2.15 Mins.

Japan bids to save power after tsunami: Alex Thomson reports.

Tags: Japan, tsunami, earthquake

Earthquake Japan Mar 11 2011 Ten Minutes Raw Footage by First-hand Eyewitnesses. Testigos Terremoto

Earthquake Japan Mar 11 2011 Ten Minutes Raw Footage by First-hand Eyewitnesses. Testigos Terremoto Tube. Duration : 9.98 Mins.

Earthquake in Japan March 11, 2011 - Ten Minutes with First-hand Eyewitnesses of the strongest and largest earthquake to hit Japan in recorded history and one of the largest in the world, a quake magnitude 8.9 in the Richter scale that took place near the east coast of Honshu. Terremoto en Japón 11 de marzo 2011 - Diez minutos con testigos de primera mano del terremoto más fuerte que ha azotado a Japón en la historia y uno de los más grandes del mundo. El terremoto fue de magnitud 8,9 en la escala Richter y tuvo lugar cerca de la costa Nordeste de Honshu. HELP SUPPORT DISASTER RELIEF EFFORTS IN JAPAN! Click Here to donate to the American Red Cross to help support disaster relief efforts in Japan Your gift to the American Red Cross will support our disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the earthquake in Japan and tsunami throughout the Pacific. On those rare occasions when donations exceed American Red Cross expenses for a specific disaster, contributions are used to prepare for and serve victims of other disasters.

Tags: 8.9, Magnitude, Earthquake, Japan, Raw, Footage, live, Eyewitnesses, video, videos, clips, fuerte, sismo, Testigos, Terremoto, Japón, Japanu, Japanissa, March, Marzo, 11, 2011, devastate, Sanriku, Oki, 海啸, tokyo, breaking, news, shocking, powerful, quake, disaster, earth, Richter, scale, warning, Sendai, eyewitness, 日本の津波, Japão, tsunami, aftershocks, jepang, 日本海嘯, 宮城県大地震東北地震仙台, sóng, thần, ở, Nhật, Bản, τσουνάμι, στην, Ιαπωνία, تسونامي, في, اليابان

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Terremoto devastante e tsunami: è strage in Giappone

Terremoto devastante e tsunami: è strage in Giappone Tube. Duration : 1.48 Mins.

tsunami, japan, 2011 tokio terremoto earthquake A massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake shook Japan and triggered a tsunami

Tags: tsunami, japan, quake, youtube, jap, asiantsunami, giappone, jpterremoto, jp, terremoto, jo, jtsunami, doom, news, tsinami, asian

Japan, Earthquake and Tsunami - you need our help

Awe struck the only words that describe how I felt when I saw the news pictures of the wall of water that hit the Japanese coast, has seen. Each of us has tried to imagine what these people are living and the truth is, we can not. We can only pray and send money. The prayer seems useless as your faith must be tested as a good and loving God could have happened then. Japan needs our help. That's how God works. From us. He does not cause these tragedies, but heis due to respond. Now is the time to unite the world and to help the Japanese people.

The Japanese Ambassador to Italy has informed us that it is very difficult for them to respond to offers of help. Not because they do not need or want, but that emergency aid be coordinated by local agencies and in many coastal areas there is no one to answer. He said that the world has never known. Canadians at home have commentedCourage and serenity of the Japanese people during this terrible disaster. I appeal to all those who donate can Red Cross is an organization of trust, who will receive your money to people on the ground in Japan. Every dollar counts, no matter what. These are people, families, fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and grandchildren, as well as ours.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

As David Suzuki says that this is a planet, one people, and we all breathe the same air and are all connected. If everyone inNorth America has sent a dollar, which would be about $ 350 million dollars. Think about it. Leave a family of five would be $ 5.00. Yes, Dad would pay for the children or the mother, but that we would not break anything. Now is the time on this tractor that God is to experience what your heart to respond. We try to help everyone to buy Japan. I'm with a link to the Red Cross on the site. I think the minimum donation is $ 10, but the words of the Japanese are "All donations and support veryestimated by the Japanese. Japan needs our help. Time to step up to the plate.

Larry Matthews

Donate Here
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Japan, Earthquake and Tsunami - you need our help

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Earthquake Forecasts For All

Here's a fascinating details of generations of people in those countries subject to earthquakes used from time to time. These symptoms were collected from different places such as China, Peru, Japan and the Caribbean, where they have tried and trust of the peasants for centuries. An important point emerges: trust in the animal world! The hearing is sharper than ours, their instincts unchecked by minds.

In 2008, the year of the earthquake in Sichuan, ChinaAmateur experts correctly predicted an earthquake a week earlier were ignored by the natural signs below and by the Chinese government. Some people have reported "strange phenomena of the plagues of toads hopping seen on highways. These are not strange phenomena, but the normal response of the natural world of danger:

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

1. Two to three months before:

* Fruit trees out of season flowering and potatoes ... sometimes.
* Some birds do not spring back.
* Sightings of unusual fish forSurface of seas or lakes.
* Unusual Sightings rat

While none of these alone can not uncommon for 2 or 3 were combined, the lookout saw more signs in the coming weeks.

2. Weeks before

* Donkeys cry restless. This animal is known to be one of the most sensitive to earthquakes.
* Fish on the surface, hordes of crabs on the beach. Note that if this is running as the first sighting of a month ago.
* Unusual Sightings worms in gardens.
*Pigs bite each other.
* The chickens are restless or refuse to read into their enclosures.

Although these characters have been the No. 1 lost two or more of these, each notice, seismology, and the authorities must be notified. If there is no such authority, the local earthquake traditional precautions were taken.

3. Days before

* The climate is hot and dry
* Vibration can cause children. If this is in addition to the first observations to prepare for a big one.Small independent tremor can occur without unnecessary concerns.
* Proof Beach marine life.
* Snake sightings in town or country.

By the time these symptoms occur together and in addition to the previous character, it's time to evacuate all buildings and putting up tents in fields and fallow land.

4. Day before

* Small mammals, mice, snakes and songololos (millipedes) seen leaving the city and into the hills.
* Dogs are strong.
Cattle * stop to eat and refuse to give theirStables. Alert farmers keep their cattle in the fields already. Horses and cattle lie down often.
* Flock Pigeon and leave the city. Gulls leave for safer shores.
* Fish and crabs are now hordes of stranding. People will stay away from the beaches of tsunami safety.
* Tremors felt now by people.

5. A few hours earlier

* People can still have heard nothing but noisy pets panic.
* The boys want an unusual highpitched, raven continues.
* Rats and snakes spotted on the streets seemed puzzled.
* The gulls cry out in droves, and other birds circling in the air.

6. Minutes before

* Incredibly loud howling and thunder announces the earthquake.

A Chinese seismologists, speaking at Caltech, USA, said recently that animal behavior is still the best way to predict earthquakes. If none of the above signs and symptoms were noted by residents, it is possible that the earthquake may be relatedfalling rock underground or radiation, underground nuclear explosions and other man-made explosions. For example, on Wednesday, March 10 South African seismologists noticed a "seismic event" of only 2.6 on the Richter scale and was in the Free State gold mines. In this case, the natural world was not aware if they are always aware of natural phenomena.

Earthquake Forecasts For All

Japan 2011-Mar-11, Images of the Earthquake and Tsunami

Japan 2011-Mar-11, Images of the Earthquake and Tsunami Tube. Duration : 4.10 Mins.

Jornal da Band dia 11-Mar-2011 às 19h15. Nuclear Power Plant, Fukushima, Japan: Nuclear Power Plant, Onagawa, Japan: Nuclear Power Plant, Tokai, Japan: Airport, Sendai, Japan: Japan:

Keywords: Japan, Earthquake, Japão, Terremoto, Tsunami, Japón, Giappone, Tremblement, de, Terre, Japon, Erdbeben, Aardbeving, Trzęsienie, ziemi, Japonii, 日本, 地震, 津波, 海啸, 일본, 지진, 해일, Япония, Землетрясение, Цунами, Toquio, Tokyo, Tokio, 東京, Sendai, 仙台

Monday, April 11, 2011

Update: Latest on Japan earthquake and tsunami

Update: Latest on Japan earthquake and tsunami Video Clips. Duration : 1.18 Mins.

Russ Mitchell provides an update on the latest news regarding the earthquake and tsunami that ravaged Japan, including the explosion at a nuclear power plant, the rescue effort to find the missing and the US military aid to the country.

Tags: cbsepisode, cbsjapan, russ, mitchell, update, latest, earthquake, tsunami, japan, nuclear, power, plant, US, aid, electricity, missing

►►Japan tsunami aftermath..

►►Japan tsunami aftermath.. Tube. Duration : 3.48 Mins.

Japan 8.9 earthquake tsunami Tsunami in Japan. 8.9 earthquake moment 津波は8.9リヒタースケールの強力な地震が日本を襲った [の速報ニュースライブビデオの映像] 해일과 8.9 리히터 규모 강력한 지진이 일본에 충돌 [국가 속보 뉴스 라이브 영상 정보] สึนามิและ 8.9 มาตราริกเตอร์แผ่นดินไหวที่มีประสิทธิภาพตีญี่ปุ่น [ข่าววิดีโอวิดีโอ Live] Sóng thần và động đất 8,9 Richter quy mô nhấn mạnh Nhật Bản [tin tức sống video footage] Tsunami ve 8.9 Richter ölçeğine güçlü deprem vurdu Japonya [breaking news canlı video görüntüleri] Tsunami y terremoto de 8,9 grados Richter afectó a Japón poderosa [noticias de última hora en directo imágenes de vídeo] Цунами и 8,9 по шкале Рихтера произошло сильное землетрясение хит Японии [новости концертные съемки видео] Tsunami şi 8,9 Richter cutremur puternic a lovit Japonia scară [stiri video rupere live imagini] Tsunami e 8,9 terremoto escala Richter atingiu o Japão poderoso [últimas notícias filmagens ao vivo de vídeo] Tsunami dan 8,9 skala Richter gempa bumi kuat menghentam Jepun [berita cuplikan video] Tsunami e 8,9 gradi della scala Richter potente terremoto ha colpito il Giappone [breaking news in diretta filmati video] Tsunami dan 8,9 skala Richter gempa bumi kuat menghantam Jepang [berita cuplikan video] सुनामी और 8.9 रिक्टर पैमाने शक्तिशाली भूकंप प्रभावित जापान [समाचार तोड़ लाइव वीडियो फुटेज] Τσουνάμι και 8,9 βαθμών της κλίμακας Ρίχτερ ισχυρός σεισμός έπληξε την Ιαπωνία [έκτακτη ...

Keywords: japonya, da, deprem, anı, 8.9, Quake, tsunami, JAPONYA'DA, VE, 11-3-2011, Depremi, Son, Görüntüler, Earthquake, caught, on, tape, video, oil, refinery, australia, today, japan, 2011, 12, Tokyo, warning, struck, north, of, honshu, Todayjaponya, canlı, görüntüleri

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Your home should be prepared for natural disasters before they strike you

If you own a property, is for you to protect your home or building any type of disaster. It 's true, can be catastrophic events such as earthquakes, fire, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes or other natural disasters have no chance of happening to you. But many people ignore the damage they can cause to their property until it hits them. The worst is not ready for any natural disasters. Its effects on you and your property are irreversible, and it will take timeBefore you can recover full of it, unless they are sufficiently prepared. No one wants to deal with these disasters, without preparation. The best way to prepare properly for a natural disaster. Ready for the possibility of a natural disaster to pursue a responsible step.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Your home should be prepared for natural disasters before they strike you

Sonic Earthquake Triggering Harmonic Frequency Resonance expedient

Earthquakes are waves of harmonic frequency, and they can be reproduced using sophisticated and technologically industrialized computer systems, along with high powered sound devices. This means mankind can now trigger earthquakes, when and where he wants. As you can dream this is a great new weapon, and it will probably be used to destroy civilizations and enemies of those nations that have this technology.

Luckily, the only nation that possesses sonic Earthquake triggering harmonic frequency resonance devices is the United States of America, or rather the incommunicable soldiery black task that was created to do industrialized explore on earthquakes. As I have been told, and I cannot confirm all of this, the black task was funded for two reasons.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

One is to protect Us soldiery bases and strategic oil reserves by triggering earthquakes in one region that would release pressure on faults from someone else and thus, protecting our strategic petroleum reserves or soldiery bases; in other words, the stoppage of earthquakes. The second intuit for funding of this extremely secretive black project, was in case the Sct-Hfrd or Sonic Earthquake Triggering Harmonic Frequency Resonance expedient was needed to take out incommunicable nuclear weapons manufacturing facilities in Iran.

As it turns out, the second intuit for creating this weapon or expedient depending on how you look at it appears to be its first real application. That is of course, only if the Iranians fail to negotiate with the United States to stop enriching uranium, and designing and building nuclear warheads for intercontinental short and long-range ballistic missiles at their four incommunicable facilities. So, you can see this is a very serious issue and one which, I am not at freedom to discuss any further. Please think all this.

Sonic Earthquake Triggering Harmonic Frequency Resonance expedient

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Earthquake-resistant structures

The Sidekick

From a simplistic point of view, places an earthquake, a lateral load of a building. So in addition to making a bridge, building or other structure, capable of gravity through the weight of the structure and content, a structure earthquake-proof, resistant force caused a significant aspect of this is due to the pair of walls done , floor, roof and foundations in a rigid box.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Masonry Woes

The worst building in a earthquakeViewed from the non-reinforced masonry, like brick or concrete blocks is established. In general, the walls are made of bricks stacked on each other and held with mortar. The roof will be wood or steel beams at the top of the wall move. The roof is the weight down through the wall to do the basics. If the nature of the construction is sideways jerk, overturn the crumbling brick walls or the roof falls on the occupants as a deck of cards. Since this type ofStructure is prevalent in poorer countries, the number of people killed by the earthquake many times greater than those posed to strict building standards, such as Japan or California.

Fundamentally Strong Foundation

As buildings got bigger the challenge becomes more difficult. The good performance of the building and the land must be considered. For example, even when the building is very strong, the basis for the reliability of sinking or capsizing of the pay leaderStructure. A classic example occurred during the 1964 earthquake in Nigata, Japan. Residents Kawaguchi-cho toppled like a row of dominoes. The buildings themselves were super strong and intact, but their bases are not the earthquake of the counter. Although 2,000 homes were destroyed, only 28 people killed in the earthquake. Therefore, building codes certainly saved many lives.

Earthquake-resistant structures

Earthquake in China reveals patterns archaic Life Insurance

More than $ 20000000000 dollars of destruction was the result of the most damaging earthquake in China since 1950, bringing to light the knowledge that years of insurance industry of the country behind those of the largest economies in the world.
An official of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, which are not mentioned rejected, said that only 5% of the cost for most of the damage in Sichuan Province was covered by insurance.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Compared to the U.S. and its managementHurricane Katrina, the most expensive hurricane in history, companies and the federal government, which is about 50% of the 120 billion U.S. dollars damage was insured covered, there is something wrong, of course, China. `` The earthquake emphasizes how much room insurers to penetrate rural areas of China,''said Zhang Ling, oversaw $ 1100000000 for ICBC Credit Suisse Asset Management Co. in Beijing and holds Ping An (Group) Co. Insurance shares. `` It would be veryto do more momentum and public support, and after natural disasters this year.'' Moreover, the nations largest insurer China Life Insurance Co. and Ping An achieved no, in all of China to expand. have found, according to statistics of KPMG International, a nation of 1.3 billion people, only 4% of insurance. Once more concern than America, where 77% have some form of life insurance. The earthquake of magnitude 7.9 has made about half the 20 millionThe people in Sichuan, covering their homes and buildings, so that 30 000 people still under the rubble, and with a mortality rate of about 20 000 `` When a disaster like this in Europe or the United States, has spent the claims situation can be very different,''said Michael Spranger, a Hong Kong-based earthquake analyst at Munich Re, the world's No. 2 reinsurer Swiss King later. `` Natural coverage rates are very low catastrophe in Asia, in the single digits.'' The chief economist at Swiss ReAsia in Hong Kong, Clarence Wong said the Niigata earthquake that struck central Japan last July, at a cost of $ 3000000000, 10% of which has made the insured losses. The earthquake in China, four months after the most powerful country in snowstorms in 50 years, so offensive that 1 million people had to evacuate. This means that the insurer is always much more competitive when it comes to sales in rural areas, with their wages in the years to risk 26%Decline in the benchmark CSI 300 Index threatens the profit growth of China. The company has a total length of China Life profit falls 61% in the first quarter, increases with Ping An to slower production after opening. `` The earthquake is not expected to have a significant impact on Bilanzen''der Chinese insurers, wrote Hong Kong-based analyst at Fitch Ratings Stanley Tsai and Jeffrey Liew in a May 15 report. `` That is, the losses from the tragic event, together with the poorChanges in the A-share market in early 2008 will bring pressure on insurers 'earnings expectations for the' year''. And 'now clear that more and its rural and natural disaster insurance is a more central concern to the Chinese government. The regulatory official in Beijing, believes that China is planning to set up a system of insurance against natural disasters, which would be paid by the government and the private sector involvement. Zurich Swiss Re havebe announced that the insurance penetration in China, a measure of the premiums as a percentage of gross domestic product was about 2.9% last year, coming 49th in world rankings `` Earthquake insurance penetration is generally very low, and for private clients includes virtually nonexistent,''says Peter Zimmermann, vice president of Swiss Re in Asia and property damage insurance group. Earthquake in China reveals patterns archaic Life Insurance

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Friends of the Chinese merchants and Chinese caterpillar fungus, "feedback" Yushu

article Source:

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

A Friends of the Chinese merchants and Chinese caterpillar fungus, "feedback" Yushu

The Layered Earth - 9.0 Magnitude Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan, March 11th, 2011

The Layered Earth - 9.0 Magnitude Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan, March 11th, 2011 Video Clips. Duration : 2.63 Mins.

In this video we explore the powerful forces at work behind the devastating earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on March 11th, 2011.

Tags: Earthquake, Tsunami, Japan, March 11th, 2011, Magnitude, Tectonic Plates, Geology, Earth Science

Dramatic Video: Tsunami Hits Japanese Town 1/3 (Miyagi,Japan)

Dramatic Video: Tsunami Hits Japanese Town 1/3 (Miyagi,Japan) Video Clips. Duration : 2.42 Mins.

Tsunami Hits Japan After 9.0 magnitude megaquake. It's Happen March 11,2011.

Keywords: Earthquake, Tsunami, warning, Japan, Miyagi, Dramatic, Video, 東日本大震災, 大震災, 震災, 大地震, 東北地方太平洋沖地震, 緊急地震速報, 津波警報, 津波, 地震, 일본, 해일, 지진, 日本, 海啸

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Earthquake in Haiti - A Disaster Preparedness chapter - 7 Tips to Help You

Once more, we are reminded about the awful result and cost of human life, livelihoods and resources that are a result of an earthquake. This time in Haiti on January 12th.

Add to those tears the heartbreak of crumbling public and holy structure full of memories, faith and art. Unfortunately, though, the country will not likely be on a fast track for repair. It's too rural, not magnificent enough, not published in all the art books, not world preeminent sufficient -- and there is a lot of damage to deal with during trying economic times.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Of course, the center of damage is now rubble. But, there are many, many homes in the area that were only badly rattled. That's the case, also, in a hurricane, tornado or even a bad storm; a focused area gets the brunt of the impact and the vast outlying areas just get shook up. So, actually, there are huge numbers of habitancy that were not physically at risk, but they may have lost and had damaged many cherished family treasures.

Disaster preparedness for your personal items includes knowing how to safe your genealogy, heirlooms, photographs, letters, old books, art work and leading documents. Set priorities and protect, first, your most leading items. Here are 7 tips to help you be great prepared:

1. Use an anchor wax to acquire items that can fly off shelves and rattle colse to in display cases. (Home Depot) This is a Very good tip!

2. Also, put a couple of nickel sized balls of anchor wax behind the frame of a framed item on the wall to keep it from swinging and popping off the wall when things shake. Broken glass from framed items crashed to the floor will be extremely hazardous.

3. Keep photos in archival photo albums that are easy to grab and go. Keep them in a book case or storage box that is easy to get to.

4. Keep storage boxes away from water pipes (water heaters too) that could break and flood on your treasured items (causing water and mold damage).

5. Make sure hanging hooks And wires are strong, oversized and well anchored into the wood. I can't tell you how many paintings and frames I've repaired that fall off the wall onto a projection of a table or through a vase. Or what about that heavy item hanging over your head in bed!!??

6. Photograph treasured keepsakes and copy docs; keep a copy in someone else location (another city or state!)

7. You may need supplemental guarnatee for earthquakes. Make sure your homeowner's course covers your contents. Heirlooms should not wish a Fine Arts rider but should fall under your quarterly home owner's policy. You will still need photos and values for a claim.

Earthquake in Haiti - A Disaster Preparedness chapter - 7 Tips to Help You

Powerful quake hits Japan

Powerful quake hits Japan Tube. Duration : 0.93 Mins.

Help in ANYWAY you can! DIRECT DONATE LINK- EMAIL ME YOUR RECEIPT! An 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck Japan's northeastern coast around 0546 GMT on Friday. It caused a four-metre tsunami in the port city of Kamishi and its tremors shook buildings in the capital Tokyo, over 300 kilometres away. Now Taiwan has issued a tsunami warning.

Keywords: asia-pacificnews, aljazeera, jazeera, japan, quake, tremor, tsunami, laurence, lee, tokyo, kamishi

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake retain

The September 4 and February 22 Earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand has been horrific. Not only have many lives been lost but a lot of damage has been caused. If your asset has been damaged, you can be sure that you are not alone. Unfortunately, a lot of other habitancy are in the same predicament as you are. If you are confused as to where to start in fixing what has been broken, you are also not alone. While a lot of government withhold is being provided, it is hard to know where to start. Not many habitancy know about the dissimilar government departments here to help you. Read on to find out about what you need to know about the earthquake payouts.

One cost being offered is the Civil Defence Payments. These are extra payments and they do not pay for asset damage. Instead, they are designed to meet the immediate needs of habitancy who are unfortunately directly affected by the Civil Defence Emergency. These payments are only made if you are unsure if your assurance company will meet your needs (or you do not have insurance). If you later find they do, you will be required to pay back the money that was given to you.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

One area the payments cover is the cost that hosts incur when hosting evacuees. This includes underground houses, community centres, churches and maraes. They also cover the cost of accommodating evacuees in traveler room such as hotels, motels or short-term rental properties. The payments also cover the loss of earnings that habitancy in the quake zone incur. This covers a wide range of dissimilar situations. It covers when evacuees can't work and lose money due to the emergency. It could be that you aren't able to get to work, the company you work for is closed, or your family needs you to stay home (e.g. To look after children). The payout also covers immediate food, bedding and clothing.

Another government payout is the extra Needs Grants. This cost type also covers urgent items that you are not able to pay for yourself. This includes items such as bedding and accident dental and medical treatment. The nature of this cost means that, unless you requested it fraudulently, you will not be required to pay this money back.

On top of these grants, Work and earnings (Winz) furnish a wide range of other benefits. Even if you had a job before the earthquake, any subsequent unemployment could mean that you will need help from these departments. Some of the benefits offered comprise the Unemployment Benefit, Working for Families assistance, Temporary further withhold and accident Benefit, Sickness benefit and Domestic Purposes Benefit.

There are any specifications you will need to meet to be applicable for any of these benefits. You should contact Winz and they will help you sort out which one/s is right for you. To contact Winz you can pop by them at your local welfare centre. Alternatively you can also call them on their free phone number; 0800 559 009 and make an appointment at your closest Winz centre, or check out their website.

The earthquake has been a very scary time for all. What to do now is confusing. There are a lot of government departments that many habitancy don't know about. Hopefully with this guidance you should be able to get back on your feet and start to rebuild your life again.

Christchurch Earthquake retain

Japanese Earthquake Causes Tsunami (2)

Japanese Earthquake Causes Tsunami (2) Tube. Duration : 14.10 Mins.

Aljazeera capture on 03/11/2011

Keywords: earthquake, japan, tsunami

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Earthquake Tsunami Japan Tokyo

Earthquake Tsunami Japan Tokyo Tube. Duration : 1.63 Mins.

I recorded this today in Japan... 11th March 2011 so scary.. it is like what u see in hollywood movies.. but it is real..

Tags: earthquake, tsunami, japan, natural, disasters, 大震災magnitude


WE ARE THE WORLD - JAPAN 2011 Tube. Duration : 5.55 Mins.

Japan Earthquake 2011: 8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Hits, 30-Foot Tsunami Triggered TOKYO -- A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away boats, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control. All rights and copyrights belong to their respective owners Enjoy!

Tags: ll coolj, Tsunami, enrique iglesias, jamie fox, Maroon 5, pink, Japan, Earthquake, BLACK EYED PEAS, JUSTIN BIEBER, AKON, T-PAIN, KANYE WEST, MILEY, MICHAEL JACKSON, MJ, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011

The miracle of the earthquake

Acts 16:22-34

Paul and Silas were praying in the inner part of the prison and sing. As we pray and sing, it strengthens our faith, serves as an example for others, and opens the door for God to act.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

extended Despite the fact that Paul and Silas were beaten and put your feet in stocks and the interior of the prison, at midnight, not sleeping, they were praising God An earthquake has shaken the foundations, the doors opened and the chains fellPrisoners. Acts 0:07 says, an angel came to Peter in prison, but this time God had to get another plan was to have God in the jailer.

You see, God needs to leave an earthquake in our lives to get our attention, to shake our foundation so that we know where we stand on Christ. When life is calm our foundations do not seem to care, but when crisis comes our foundations are tested.

Maybe your foundation is shaken, perhaps there is a law of earthquakenow in your life, but if your attention on God, they can offer help in unexpected ways. Make sure that life on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ is built.

God knows where we are, because he is omniscient, but he wants us to see where we are.
In Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve ate the fruit and their eyes were open and heard God go, she hid from him. God said: Adam, where are you? God knew exactly where Adam was Adam that God wanted to know whereAdam was.

God is an earthquake that give life to a spiritually dead state to recognize in this story, God of the prison, where he was wanted God to save him and his family. When the jailer saw the doors were open, he wanted to kill himself. Sometimes things happen in our lives, and we do not know what to do, but the passages about God

Despite everything that happened there was the miracle of the earthquake that salvation. The greatest of all miracles. God has a purpose for every lifeand he will use extraordinary means to execute his plan, God enters into prison to save you. Here we see Paul and Silas a chance to share the word of God, we need to see all the opportunities that arise. This opportunity came because of their fidelity to the Gospel, regardless of the persecution.

Whatever you are going through right now, God wants you to break out, God wants you to experience a jailbreak. Many of you are in prison, locked, with no way outbound. Prison in your mind, the prison emotional, spiritual prison, illness and disease, financial prison. God wants to break and break into a new life. God has to break, he can get in

He also wants to free those around you, watch over you, presumably an eye on you. God willing, you will not even break the devil knows what hit him when he realized what will happen, you get into a frenzy. You see, when God shows himself to the devilResign.

The miracle of the earthquake

Tsunami in Japan [ part 4 ]

Tsunami in Japan [ part 4 ] Tube. Duration : 4.97 Mins.

Magnitude 8.9 11 march 2011 near east coast of Honshu

Tags: tsunami in japan, tsunami in studio of cnn, east coast of honshu japan, 11 3 2011, magnitude 8 9 japan, earthquake in japan, water in japan, oil refinery in japan, water from the sea on japan, road cars houses under water, tokyo under water, aerodrome under water japan, airport under water japan, tornado in japan, japan gouverment tsunami, building tsunami

Sunday, April 3, 2011

japan Tsunami Earthquake East Hachinohe Port 11 3 11

japan Tsunami Earthquake East Hachinohe Port 11 3 11 Video Clips. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

North-east Japan has been swamped by a major tsunami - and the entire Pacific region is now on alert. It was caused by an 8.9-magnitude earthquake that struck 130 kilometres off the eastern coast - sending a reported 10-metre wall of water inland, causing widespread devastation. 61 people are confirmed dead - but that number's expected to rise. The wave has also reached Russia's Kuril islands to the north, reportedly around a metre high. In Japan, 200 people have reportedly been washed away, with several others missing in Japan's Sendai city. Tokyo's been all-but shut down - with fires and injuries widely reported there. Millions are without electricity. Norita International Airport is also closed. 20 powerful aftershocks have been recorded since the first quake, which was the strongest ever recorded in Japan - and the 6th biggest-ever. An earthquake has now been felt in Hawaii - measuring 4.5 - with tsunami waves expected within a few horus.

Keywords: japan, Tsunami, Earthquake, East, Hachinohe, Port, 11, 2011, japon, juay, de, rito, sismo, presunto, culpable, tokyo, ecuador, osaka, power, canal, prank, military, accident, airplanes, weapons, crash, gun, defence, aviation, rail, off-road, vehicles, warfare, defense, stunt, automobiles, air, force, talk, laptops, speech, interview, army, chase, police, crashes, lanka, navy, helicopter, marines, soldiers, forces, flying, sinhala

Are you planning an earthquake kit

The west coast of the United States and Canada are the regions most at risk from earthquakes in the country. Residents of the area should be prepared for an earthquake damage at any time.

Los Angeles and San Francisco have had their share of great earthquakes, but we can expect more.
Iceland and the Vancouver Lower Mainland regions hitherto escaped with a large earthquake.
emergency organizations request the residents are overdue for a major earthquake. You should be prepared for a major earthquake in eachTime.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

If an earthquake hit, you should should be prepared to be alone for at least 48 hours.
Food, medical care may not be available.

Every family should have at least one person to train in CPR and first aid must be provided to various services Emerecery. Consider a family plan to find a way out where you can meet if the tracks are open. Which family members have mobile phones, whose numbers and trying to whom we owe the first contact.

Do you know where your shut offfor gas, electricity and water? Do you know how to disable?
Have you prepared an earthquake kit? If an earthquake should hit, you should be ready to be alone for at least 48 hours.

At home, the first aid kit should consist of:

First Aid Kit and Documentation

battery-powered radio

A couple of warm blankets


Extra shoes, socks

Flashlight with spare batteries

Emergency food, can opener and water

Any significantDrugs

Cash and credit cards

Most people do not have a first aid kit. In this case, at least a plastic container ready to go with a couple of blankets, a couple of jackets, socks and shoes. Put a first aid manual on top with a list of things you have prepared, but not packed. Really it's a good idea, these containers in the car for ever. You never know when you can get in an accident or an accident scene and able to help someone.

During 'Shake, if you stay outdoors away from buildings, walls and power poles. Try for an open space like a park, if you are in a tall building, away from windows and exterior walls. Get under a table or desk. DO NOT use the elevators. If driving pull to the side of the road and stop. Stay away from overpasses, power lines and trees.

After the shaking stops, check yourself and your family for injuries. Giving help to others. Do not move seriously injured persons unless theyare in immediate danger. If you smell gas do not operate light switches. Open the window, gas and electricity off and leave the house. Be prepared for the post-crisis.

If necessary, clean the water by boiling for 6 minutes. Check the grill for damage or loss. It could be used for cooking. NEVER use inside your grill, kettle. Use the phone, unless there is a serious injury or fire.

If you travel? Please stay posted Disaster Response Routes. Ambulance, police andfire to be fast, where the greatest need is. You should be ready for a different route, where you get get to go.

Listen to the radio communications for public service. For more information on earthquake preparedness phone your local coordinator of emergency government.

Disclaimer: The author of this article is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness nor be liable for any damages or losses that are out or in any way in relation toInformation or the use thereof.

Are you planning an earthquake kit