Sunday, November 27, 2011

Are Earthquakes More Prevalent During the Harvest Moon Cycles?

Historically, it appears that Earthquakes are more prevalent directly after the harvest moon cycles. This does not mean you necessarily have to worry if you live on top of an active Earthquake fault, but the odds are greater during this time period. Does this mean the big one will hit Southern California, the Oregon Coastline, Peru or Mexico City?

Well, it very well could happen and if you were going to make a bet on when an Earthquake might occur, it makes sense to bet when the odds are slightly more favorable. Now, I hope you do not go out and bet your life savings away, it wouldn't be that great of a bet and I wouldn't want you sitting at home praying for the big one to ruin anyone's day, here or abroad in China, Indonesia, Turkey, Iran, Japan, Australia or the Kuril Islands.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

Now with that said there probably will be a 6.0 or greater Earthquake during the Harvest Moon Cycle somewhere in the World, but no one really knows when or where. Although scientists are making heard way studying vibrational energy from satellites in space and may soon be able to predict a greater probability of where a quake might occur, predicting Earthquakes is still very much a lost art. But, to you question; Are Earthquakes More Prevalent During The Harvest Moon Cycles?

The answer is yes and the whole concept behind the harvest moon, is that the gravity waves are slightly changed and this pulls the water more to the surface allowing seedlings to have that initial water they need to get started. The Harvest Moon cycle also provides an abundance of light in for those who wish to do the planting, so that is why they call it the Harvest Moon and you can see why this could affect slight changes in ground movement, which could invariably be enough to cause a tiny shift and trigger a larger Earthquake.

Are Earthquakes More Prevalent During the Harvest Moon Cycles?

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