Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Loss of Friends in Sudden Death - An Earthquake moment

Sudden, unexpected, tragic! house and friends of a well known incorporate were in shock when learning of their deaths in an automobile and bicycle accident last Saturday. It stops anyone short, either you knew those complicated or not. The temporal nature of our brief lives faces us straight on. The departure of citizen you take for granted, that they will just be there, suddenly is met with stark reality.

Death is that greatest mystery that finds us ready or not. Something inside us is stilled for a moment or more when we reflect on the vacancy now in our lives. Some find a quiet place to mourn privately. Others just express openly. Others are just dazed. Some come to be stoic. It is a universal contact and it leaves its own intimate mark or scar upon us.

Earthquake & Tsunami In Japan

We will recover. We know that. But, like everything else experienced in this mortal journey, we are left with substantial change.

How we cope will say a lot about our own quality to conduct disappointment and grief. There is no right or wrong way to go about ones grieving. There are some very fine books which designate methods and clarify the steps of grieving. One of them, written by a colleague of my acquaintance for more than 20 years, is "Life After Loss." The author is Bob Deits.

*Talking with friends or other house members most all the time offers therapy.

*Remembering is critical. Good memories are a balm and a salve. Share them generously.

*Finding ways to generate proper memorials in profit of the deceased, not artificial or temporary, but something permanent that will sustain others in their journeys, can all the time be done. A small park, a memorial fountain, a scholarship for a person in need, a extra gift to a extra society and other ideas can serve as a way to plant a solid reminder of persons whose lives had and will continue to have meaning. Those who knew the deceased can find gratifying fulfillment in participating in such a tribute.

*Now is the time to grieve, now is the time to begin sorting it out. My counsel is to avoid "why" questions. Those practically all the time lead no where or in directions that are only artificially satisfying.

*Spiritual solace is often the most helpful. It allows persons to draw on the force and promise of the positives of mortality and immortality.

*Judgment is not our role.

*Compassion and a genuine presence are offerings well made. Expressions of such come in all forms. So spend some time in solemnity for as long as is needed. Reach out to others who care and aren't afraid to demonstrate that caring. Avoid those who just don't get it. They will often enforce hurt, without even knowing it. Find your own solace and force and hope as you work through this earthquake moment.

Breathe deeply. Pray persistently. Hope constantly. Offer love unabashedly.

Allow your spirit to soar to places it has not gone before or in a while.

As we contact aging, we encounter loss of friends and house more frequently. The statistical incidence of death increases as senior citizens grow older. But there are some things we need to remember, especially in the face of sudden and unexpected loss of friends: We will prevail and life will be good because of the gift of the lives of our friends or house to all of us.

The Loss of Friends in Sudden Death - An Earthquake moment

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