Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan, 8.9 Richter earthquake - tsunami 10 meters high splash coastal towns.

Japan, 8.9 Richter earthquake today (11) cause a large tsunami. The input of sediment into coastal vessels. Damage to the Pacific coast town of Rising Sun dance. Officials have confirmed 32 cases have been fatal.
       Reports from the province on the island honchu Miyagi, stating that many wounded. However, no casualties reported at this time. TV broadcast waves of water are being swallowed by the surrounding coastal area.
       The earthquake occurred around noon on the last day. Severe vibration and high-rise buildings in Tokyo reported that the Stabilizer had six fires in the capital of Japan. The underground service must be stopped. The continuous siren signal. People fled from the building.
       Office of the U.S. Geological Survey, a recent report that the 8.9 Richter earthquake was. Arise from Tokyo to the north-east 382 kilometers to tsunami warnings. In Japan, Taiwan, Russia and the islands Amarinr. Tsunami Warning Center reported in the Pacific.
       Because of concern that have been reported. Because the roof collapsed during the graduation ceremony. In Tokyo. Students who have attendance of 600 people, resulting in a lot of people were injured, they reported no casualties. Tokyo fire report After the earthquake vibrations to 8.9 Richter.

       Japanese government warnings that the north coast province may be more tsunamis. Local media broadcast tsunami height of 10 meters dash to enter the port city of Sendai. In Miyagi province. Kyodo news agency reported that more. The tsunami height of 7 meters to put Saddam City Fukushima. It is located on the island ฮoncoo as well.
       The Indonesian Government. And the Philippines, tsunami warnings, and then once the Tsunami Warning Center U.S.. Warnings at this time the Pacific Coast city. And Australia And South America. Prepared a giant tsunami waves. The Hawaiian Islands ordered evacuation of people from the immediate area of ​​risk.
       Previous news agency Agence reports of more deaths by one third as 67-year-old man has been falling over the wall. Next is another old woman. The fall from the roof. We climbed to escape the flood home Both are in areas outside of Tokyo, the three cases do not have details.
       The President Made Three Dog Smith, Dave West, Russian leaders have offered help, Japan. While the tsunami area Coorie Islands. Area of ​​dispute between Japan - Russia. When the morning last. Russia has announced the tsunami warning area Coorie Islands. It is located in southern Russia or northern Japan. Staff of 11,000 people have migrated from the area who dispute this. Tsunami child first and then go to Coorie Islands. But did not report the damage.
       Kyodo news agency reported that the fire at building wind turbines. Nuclear Power Plant O Ka Wa Na. In Miyagi province. Unfortunately, there is no confirmation that The leakage Kam Tong radiographic or not the province Miyagi is an area that has received the most damage from this tsunami.
       Latest international news agencies reported total deaths from the tsunami waves even after the earthquake caused at least 32 patients.

       Japan is situated. "Ring of Fire" (Pacific Ring of Fire) which is filled with many volcanoes as well as Tokyo has placed on the access point of three tectonic plates to the plan, which includes the Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate Philippine Sea plate. Each plan gradually. Satire has always been the same. Causing the vibration of the earth. Tremendous shock.
       Earthquake Research Committee of the Japanese government has warned that up to 70 percent chance of vibration to 8 Richter will happen again with the Kanto Plain. Which many Japanese live within the next 30 years.

       The Japanese used the natural disaster in a big way last year 1923 when the earthquake in the region, Kanto (Great Kanto Earthquake), which has killed more than 140,000 cases, most deaths from fire later in the year 1955 the earthquake. Another big time in the city code a lot The patient died more than 6,400 individuals.

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